
Student Creates a Special safety ID Card

Sishir a young and energetic engineer did a fantastic job and made his identity again by making a smart gadget. Sishir Ku mallick from New street, Jeypore , Koraput District previously came to light when he show his talent by exhibit an automatic sanitizer machine, a robot helmet and security belt with GPRS he came to the screen again by creating a special smart card especially for students. Sishir said The Govt now all set to open all the Schools and colleges though Covid has not yet gone fully students have to maintain physical distance and keeping it in mind he managed to create a smart card for students.It will show the body temperature of the nearby person so the wearing person get cautious and protect himself from infected person.The gadget can be charged with a simple mobile charger and will work for at least 8-10 hours .if someone sitting less than 3 feet away the gadget will automatically sent a beep sound similarly if the person is front of the body has a temperature of 4 degree Fahrenheit the smart card immediately send a signal through this a person who wearing the card can get alert so he/she could save him/herself from infection Sishir added.

Not only the students Employees working in various offices can also be get benefits from this smart card.It required a small micro controller, remote sensor, 3 volts mobile battery, LED, a buzzer and a simple mobile charger is enough to make this smart gadget moreover it market costs less than 500 he mentioned . Sishir is now continuing his study in Aerospace dept. at Bengaluru Karnataka .He pleased to say if a private company come forward to make a smart card Sishir and his team are ready to give it a go .

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Eswar Naik August 10, 2021 at 6:04 am

May God bless you. Keep it up.


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